Ah, the wonderful world of French cheese! With its rich flavours and diverse textures, French cheese holds a special place in the hearts of food lovers worldwide. To truly experience the full glory of a French cheese platter, knowing how to store and care for your cheese selection properly is essential. In this article, we will share valuable tips to help you preserve the flavour and quality of your favourite French cheeses, transforming them into an exquisite French cheese platter that will delight your taste buds.

1. Choose the Right Storage Conditions:

Proper storage is the key to maintaining the freshness and flavour of your French cheese. So here are a few important points to consider:

  • Temperature: French cheeses are best kept at a cool temperature, typically between 45 and 55 degrees Fahrenheit (7 to 13 degrees Celsius). Avoid storing them in the warmest areas of your refrigerator, such as the door, as these fluctuations in temperature can affect the texture and taste of the cheese.
  • Humidity: Cheese needs humidity to prevent it from drying out. Aim for a humidity level of around 90 percent. If your refrigerator tends to be dry, consider placing a small dish of water inside to create a moist environment.
  • Odour Control: Cheese has a unique aroma, which can be picked up by other foods nearby. To prevent your cheese from absorbing unwanted flavours, store it in airtight containers or wrap it tightly in wax or parchment paper.

2. Proper Wrapping Techniques:

To protect your French cheese from drying out or absorbing unwanted odours, it’s important to wrap it correctly.

  • Wax or Parchment Paper: Wrap your cheese in wax or parchment paper, which allows it to breathe while protecting it from excess moisture and odours. Avoid using plastic wrap, as it can create a sealed environment that leads to spoilage.
  • Cheese Paper: If you’re a cheese connoisseur, investing in specialized cheese paper can help maintain the best condition for your French cheese. These papers are designed to keep moisture in while allowing the cheese to breathe.

3. Storage Options:

Consider the storage options available to you to ensure that your French cheese stays in top-notch condition:

  • Cheese Dome: If you have a cheese dome or cheese bell, it can be a charming way to store and display your cheese. The dome helps to control humidity and prevents the cheese from drying out.
  • Dedicated Cheese Drawer: Some refrigerators come with a dedicated cheese drawer. If you have access to one, utilize it to store your French cheese. Additionally, it’s usually designed with moisture control in mind, maintaining an optimal environment for cheese storage.

4. Enjoying Your French Cheese:

Once you’ve stored your French cheese properly, it’s time to savour its delicious flavours!

  • Serving Temperature: To fully appreciate the nuances of your cheese, allow it to come to room temperature before serving. Take it out of the refrigerator at least 30 minutes before enjoying it.
  • Cutting and Presentation: For harder cheeses, use a dedicated cheese knife or a sharp, thin-bladed knife. Soft cheeses might require a cheese wire. Display your cheese on a beautiful cheese board or platter, enhancing the overall experience.
A French cheese platter, displaying different cuts of French cheeses.

French cheese is a true culinary treasure that deserves to be cared for properly. By following these tips on storage and care, you can ensure that your favourite French cheeses retain their irresistible flavours and textures. From maintaining the right temperature and humidity levels to employing the correct wrapping techniques, your French cheese will delight your taste buds every time.

Bon appétit!

P.S. Looking to elevate your cheese experience? Check out these tips for crafting the perfect charcuterie board.

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